Designing a Roof

Check out our latest video where I walk you through the process of creating a roof plan in AutoCAD.

The final AutoCAD file is available here for you to try out (Coming soon…)


When it comes to a roof plan, you will need a plan view (top down) and an elevation view (side view) from each direction.


In the United States, roof pitch is commonly called out as a ratio over twelve. For example, a standard roof pitch is a 6/12. This means that for every 12″ of run, the roof rises 6″.

The easiest way to draw this in CAD, is to simply draw a right triangle with the horizontal leg 12′ long, and the vertical leg the length of your pitch in feet. You can then use the hypotenuse as your roof pitch. Often, you simply need to move this to your elevation drawing, and extend, trim, and fillet it.

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